I came across something the other day while I was stumbling. (Gee I say that a lot lately!) Anyway, there was this site that had a list of phobias and fears. Now some of these were down right hilarious. I mean I kept asking myself, “do people actually really have this??”
There was one though that now that I want to talk about it, I can’t find it anywhere!!! I should have never closed that page without bookmarking it first. Oh well. It was a fear of microwaves or using microwaves. I can’t even remember the phobia name and my searching effort has come up fruitless. But none the less I know I saw it!
In a small way. The smallest of the small, I have this. I can still use them but I stand like 3 feet off to the side while they’re running. It’s something about the radiation waves that I was told when I was little but it kind of gives me the willies now to think about standing directly in front of it while it’s in use.
So now you know one of my strange quirks. Don’t judge me because I’m strange. Go look up some of those other phobias. I look quite normal compared to some people.
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